
Showing posts from June, 2020

DCUO: Is Something Burning?

Episode 36 Metal II Raid: Into the Dark Multiverse Description During the Into the Dark Multiverse (Event, Normal, or Elite) Raid, defeat Forgemaster Hawkman witout destroying any of the Forge Embers. This is one of the feats that I think should not have been made available while the episode was in event mode because there's a significant difficulty difference. So I purposely wanted to run it in Normal mode. Here's what we ened up doing... Party The team makeup is about suriviving more so than dealing damage quickly. So we ended up with tank, 2 healers, 2 controllers & 3 DPS. Basically you're looking to survive the Forgemaster's skull attack without using the boulders for cover as they will all be gone pretty early while the team is avoiding the embers. So with 2 healers & 2 controllers, there's enough restoration and shielding to back each other up and survive for as long as needed. Debuffs are also important because every hit needs to count.