
Showing posts from July, 2019

SDCC Metal Announcement

The rest of 2019 will be closed out with 2 episodes featuring the Metal story arc! It's a bit of a curveball because it's very recent in DC Comics history where other content was mostly classic and established. But Metal was something that really picked up steam and popularity quickly, going beyond comics right away into statues and toys... and now video games! In this video, we'll take a look at the little we know and break down what we can before it hits Test in August. Thumbnail for Metal Series Alyssa in Red Death Inspired Costume Alyssa in The Drowned Inspired Costume

Throwback Thursday: Summer 2014

Rewinding back to the USPC Summer Party on June 29, 2014 (upload date). Let's take a look back at this #ThrowbackThursday and see if we recognize any names & leagues. Who was there back then and are they still there now? Are you in here somewhere?  All information about the party can still be found on this old Forum thread: Here is also the matching FNL episode from Daybreak although they cut out the preshow that covered the party.