
Showing posts from October, 2019

DCUO: Combat Rating Math

Many of us have become dependent on the Odyssey Combat Rating Calculator , which was the most complete one on the Internet, featuring detailed gear breakdown, attuning as well as being able to pull your character's current breakdown from the census. But recently their account on Enjin expired and renewal doesn't seem to be on the way. There is an alternative  by DCUO Bloguide , which does almost the same thing...but it is missing the gear attuning calculations. The main point of this article is that no player created application has guaranteed uptime as people come and go all the time. So I wanted to breakdown how CR works and how you can come up with the right numbers in the case that all of these web apps expire. Combat Rating Breakdown Each gear piece has a percent modifier that gets applied to its item level. They are as follows: Weapon = 12% Head = 11% Neck = 6% Back = 8% Chest = 12% Legs = 12% Ring 1 = 6% Trinket = 6% [Note: this takes the highest trinke