DCUO: Name Reclaim 2023

 Securing Your Names

Reclaim Preparation

  • Look names up on players.dcuniverseonline.com to get an idea of which might be inactive (ex... a character that's 360ish or higher has likely logged on within the timeframe)
  • DO NOT mention or post any of the name you're trying to get. There are bad actors on social media that will use the info. against you!
  • Have 2nd/3rd choices ready (note: a seemingly inactive character might have an active main on the account)
  • Have tokens ready on the characters you plan to rename.
  • Log on immediately after daily reset on the day of (tba). There will be a mad rush!
  • Stay tuned to the DCUO Forums for updates as the event date may still change.
Good luck!

NOTE: The Name Reclaim event has been moved to Thursday, June 1. The tips in this article are still correct. Just apply them with the new date. For details, visit: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/name-reclaim-update-delay.327909/ 


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