DCUO: Flashpoint - Temple Runner

Description: In the Royal War alert, defeat the guards at temple entrance in 26 seconds or less!

This is basically like the "Stake Well Done" feat in Justice League Dark, but with a bit more strategy because there are multiple targets from multiple spots on the map, as opposed to single targeting a boss. 26 seconds is very tight, so this one is all about cutting animation time.

Prep Work

Supercharge: The activity up until the entrance will often not fill supercharge, even if you clear all adds. So you may want to start the alert after doing some other activity first. Or if you just logged on, remember that the yellow nectar from Wonderverse gives you instance 100% supercharge in that episode's content (you can just warp to Patchwork Themyscira, drink & then queue). If you're starting the alert with no supercharge, then you can clear all adds to get as much as possible and remember not to blow any on the first boss... Aquaman doesn't have enough health to really fill it.

Pets: You will want to activate pets & backups before entering the room, that way you're not wasting the animation time during combat when the time is ticking down. Because the enemies are coming from different parts of the room, mobile pets are better than turrets. With that in mind, you won't lose any time on the pets because they'll all last longer than 26 seconds!

Buffs: Same as pets, you'll want to use these before entering the room. Drink consumables first. Then clip the pet + back ups + buff + supply drop. Walk through a supply drop and enter the room.

Strategy Inside

Order: As with all timed feats, the clock starts on the first hit. So you do not want to hit the first row of adds or you lose a few seconds of positioning. Everyone should jump over the first set and position in the middle of the room, just under the mezzanine level. The tank does 3-4 quick pulls targeting the 2 dogs and the minotaurs. Once the dogs are on the first level, fire all orbitals & supercharge. 

Position: We played with a bunch of strategies & the middle of the room played out the best. My initial thought was to drag everything to the top since the dogs are the highest health targets, but this method is too risky because moving the small adds up can something slingshot them down into the moat, which makes 26 seconds impossible. Another attempt had 2 support roles go up opposite steps (or tank on one side & 3 DPS on other), dragging the smaller adds up, but this method wastes too much time kiting.

Tank Setup 

  • Of all roles you do need 1 tank for this feat because of the multiple locations of adds. The standard conal pull must be used... not lasso + artifact (which people might have equipped just because it's the new thing!). The tank needs to do 3 quick snap pulls for the 2 sides & dogs in center. The mesmerizing lasso is way too slow and will just cause everything to walk down to you.
  • Besides the pulls, the tank will be more offensive than the usual alert build. You just need the minimum Dominance to be able to pull effectively. But pets, backup, offensive SC & orbital are all on.
  • You will need the breakout ability for when you aggro the dogs because they may try to pull you over to the top level.

Good luck!

Note: This applies to both Regular & Elite, though you may want a healer for elite.


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