
Showing posts from May, 2023

DCUO: Name Reclaim 2023

 Securing Your Names Reclaim Preparation Look names up on to get an idea of which might be inactive (ex... a character that's 360ish or higher has likely logged on within the timeframe) DO NOT mention or post any of the name you're trying to get. There are bad actors on social media that will use the info. against you! Have 2nd/3rd choices ready ( note: a seemingly inactive character might have an active main on the account ) Have tokens ready on the characters you plan to rename. Log on immediately after daily reset on the day of (tba). There will be a mad rush! Stay tuned to the DCUO Forums for updates as the event date may still change. Good luck! NOTE: The Name Reclaim event has been moved to Thursday, June 1. The tips in this article are still correct. Just apply them with the new date. For details, visit: