DCUO: Overrun Area 51 Cutscene


Overrun Area 51 from Episode 46: Brainiac Returns is one of the most efficient modern duos. The elite version is also a nice gift for farming renown quickly. But... for altaholics, things can always get faster! You can save a little over 30 seconds each run if you take out the adds before the second boss in order, roughly from right to left (relative to how you're facing when you arrive).
Group A
The 3 mobs closest to you on the ground have to go first. Be careful that you don't get knocked into aggro'ing the ones to the far left (Group C) and also don't fly too high and aggro the ones on the level above. The earth and tornado powered ones can knock you up and far quite a bit!

Group B
For the two mobs on the 2nd level, you'll want to take out the one guarding the door (that opens for the boss room) first. Then move along the catwalk and get the other one. While doing this, you can lob a shot down to Group C so that they take the stairs up to you.

Group C
The mob on the ground to the far left should be taken out last, along with the 2nd level mob that's not at the boss door. These 2 sets can be interchangeable or simultaneous.

Once you do that, the 30 second scene before the 2nd boss doesn't play. The door opens and you can just drop down and take him out!


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