Sylvia Knight: Green Lantern Uniform

Head: Gotham Knight
The Gotham Knight (Nightwing) head piece actually looks like a face part because it's basically a more armored version of a plain mask. This is typically my go-to mask if the costume doesn't cover the character's head.

Face: Full Domino
With Gotham Knight taking up the head slot, I placed the basic mask underneath just to provide glowing eyes.

Back: Nth Metal Battlesuit
Nth Metal Battlesuit's (Hawkman) wings are probably my favorite in the game. I don't have a lot of flying characters that it would suit, but it works well as a hard light construct with the glowing material. When we got the hard light materials, I wanted parts of Sylvia's lantern uniform to be armored, but still display the iconic base suit underneath.

Chest: Scion of Ion
This is the main part of the standard Green Lantern style, with built-in emblem. I started the uniform with this piece naturally and then applied my "slim down" process by finding other parts that matched in pattern and texture.

Legs: Vesture of Proselyte
While Scion of Ion or any of the other lantern parts would have worked with the top, I wanted the more feminine loincloth from the Indigo Tribe set, Vesture of Proselyte. And the loincloth part does match up perfectly with the green part from the chest piece.

Shoulders: Biomech
Most older styles won't work with new ones unless set to a very dark color. The Mister Miracle style shoulders were picked to match the Barda style boots, which in turn were picked as a slim feet style that could blend into the Primeval leggings. The solid & glowing parts of both are a perfect match as they were released in the same episode.

Hands: Energy Armor
Energy Armor hands is one of my go-to pieces because it's one of the few that exposes the hands. The black you see on Sylvia's hands are a continuation of the chest piece. I have the hands set to glowing material and the style wraps over the Scion of Ion chest.

Waist: Dark Specter
This is just the standard belt I have on heroes.

Feet:  Lethal Zealot
One of my go-to feet for female characters, as it's slim and visually mobile. The part I have set to black are a continuation of the tights from the leg style. Lethal Zealot allows a clean break with it's knee pads that can be set to the character's main color.

Accessory: Emerald Mist
There are lots of nice green auras in the game now, which is a big deal considering how restricted they were (by DC Comics) when the game first launched. Emerald Mist is the one most directly tied to the Green Lanterns, so I have it set on the uniform.

Movement: Green Lightstream
Matching style that looks great with the movement streaks of the ring.

For this particular character, as well as red and yellow lantern styles I will post in the future, the color is worth noting as I want the main uniform color to be the same as the NPCs from the same corp. You can grab the colors by making an "inspired by" character at the beginning of the game, then pulling the HEX values off that character. The Green Lantern "green" is #002004. I think this is the most important color to retain for the uniform. The "inspired by" black is actually an off black, but I have mine set to full black at #000000 for maximum contrast.


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