DCUO 2018 Top Ten (Part 2)

#7 Titans

With lists like this, I prefer to highlight items that impact the game overall rather than specific content, but this year's releases have stepped it up. Titans deserves to be this high up because it's an episode that features all new maps and a cast of redesigned characters.

#6 Atlantis

Titans set the bar high for new episodes, but because Atlantis is underwater and far more exotic, this episode easily eclipsed the one before it. Atlantis, which was timed well with the Aquaman movie hype, features some  of the best art in the game with unique battles against non-humanoid enemies. We haven't had that since Amazon Fury.

Note: Amazon Fury was by far my favorite storyline. The only reason why I would rate Atlantis above it is because we didn't get open world Themyscira.

5. Death of Superman

Death of Superman doesn't have any new maps and isn't really that large. So why is it this high up on the list!? It's mainly because this is an evergreen addition that affects every single part of the leveling and and end game process. Having this content award marks of victory is probably the biggest game changer to the speed of progression across the board. You can play this in place of or in addtion to whatever is relevant to your character at any given time. While the dailies may not seem like much, 5 marks in the short amount of time it takes to earn them add up fast. There are 3 weekly payouts as well. Combine all of this with the already reduced vendor prices (from a previous update) and even a new player can catchup fairly quickly.


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