Justice League Dark: Chaos Gotham LIVE!

It's pretty interesting how different a reused zone can be when the starting point is different. It was a good part of Gotham to use as well because we don't often visit that central part of Gotham other than leveling. The efficiency of the daily missions are comparable to Titans & Atlantis, so no complaints there. The majority flow smoothly with only the Possessed Magents (though Possessed Sentinels is OK) being a slight bottleneck.

The ARGUS weekly collection is pretty fair. I was afraid of spawn rate against live traffic back when it was on test, but it's totally fine after going up. You do end up getting a lot between missions and it completes naturally without additional effort.

The only thing i would change about open world is the scaling of the bounties. I think the Pod Daemon should have been the 8-man because it has less mechanics. The Daemon Lord, because of the color/power options is going to get run more with coordinated groups, so it would have been the better 4-man.

The color-to-power of the daemons is as follows:

  • Yellow = Electric
  • Red = Fire
  • Green = Poison
  • Blue/Teal - Ice

The large daemon is determined by the majority of the 5 colored circles. So in order to control what you want, at a minimum, you need to get 2 of the same color if each of the other 3 are different. But to guarantee it, you would need 3 of the same color. If one spawns that's not the color you want at the given time, the group would kill it off the circles to get a new spawn.


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