
Showing posts from 2021

DCUO: Chasing the Bomb

This is an old T7 feat from back when we were getting those monthly partial episodes, but it remains one of the harder duo feats to get because it's more about dodging (to prevent from being slowed) than damage. While there are many videos that show a group getting the feat, I have found none that fully explain what you can can can't do. They are useful for positioning, but here are some important points to know before you attempt it: Both players MUST be in the fight! You can't have one sit out (as I tried because I was going for it on 2 accounts simultaneously). If only one player is inside the boss fight, you simple won't get the bomb spawns... not to mention you'll also be slowed by the ice effects. The bombs start spawning only when Captain Cold is taken down to 75% health . So you do have to damage him a little (and be controlled about it if you're well overgeared). Pets, especially, artifact and ability pets must be taken off , otherwise they will KO the

DCUO: Sixth Dimension Kryptonian TC Collections

This is a listing of the 3 collections from the  Sixth Dimension Kryptonian Time Capsules . The highlighted words are my recommended search terms so that you're not typing the whole thing into the broker. Rogol Zaar's Scars (Kerchief [Accessory]) Rogol Zaar's Axe Grinder Guardian Appa Ali Apsa's Shame The Circle's Failure Kryptonian Extravagance Rogol Zaar's Training Regimen Rogol Zaar's Cybernetic Eye Rogol Zaar's Burns Ashes of Krypton Phantom Zone Justice Harry Hokum Reward Rogol Zaar's Rage Jax-Ur 's Wasteland Tales End of Century Classic  (Freedom Mullet [Return of Superman]) 27.1 Light-Year Flightpath Jimmy Olsen's Page Kent-Lane Wedding Plans Express Mail from Kansas Lois & Clak's Favorite 90 's Show Search for an Empty Planet Superman's Red-Blue Split Superman's Abandoned Expunger Superman's Pretenders Clark Kent's Unused Hair Gel LexCorp Kryptonite Ring Lex Luthor's Business Takover Genetically Pop

DCUO: Flashpoint - Temple Runner

Description: In the Royal War alert, defeat the guards at temple entrance in 26 seconds or less! This is basically like the "Stake Well Done" feat in Justice League Dark , but with a bit more strategy because there are multiple targets from multiple spots on the map, as opposed to single targeting a boss. 26 seconds is very tight, so this one is all about cutting animation time. Prep Work Supercharge: The activity up until the entrance will often not fill supercharge, even if you clear all adds. So you may want to start the alert after doing some other activity first. Or if you just logged on, remember that the yellow nectar from Wonderverse gives you instance 100% supercharge in that episode's content (you can just warp to Patchwork Themyscira, drink & then queue). If you're starting the alert with no supercharge, then you can clear all adds to get as much as possible and remember not to blow any on the first boss... Aquaman doesn't have enough health to rea