DCUO: Doctor Fate's Daily Rewards History

Doctor Fate's Daily Rewards is a login bonus system introduced back in 2021 to consolidate things like the vault and lockboxes into one place. It has since gone through 2 major changes and probably many small adjustments over the years. This article outlines the timeline of the daily rewards feature.

I. Launch with House of Legends

This feature initially got introduced along with the House of Legends episode, which left a lot of permanent overall game changes to simplify many episodes and years of content clutter!

II. Stabilizer Moves

In October/November 2023, there was a directive to remove all stabilizer fragments from just about everywhere in the game and make the daily solo (previously a duo) the central source. This of course affected Doctor Fate's Daily Rewards, which had to be adjusted. 

III. Raid Box Removal

In a surprise update for June 2024, the 3 raid caches from the 2023 update were removed and replaced. We have yet to be informed of the reasoning behind it, but this video breaks down the values.


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