
Showing posts from February, 2019

Price Guide: Resurgence III Accessories

Here's a look at the Resurgence III Material prices about a week into the promo. While these are hardly the finals, they have begun to settle into tiers as the Power Auras and Power Materials have done in the past. This guide should help you plan out what you can buy, sell and setup for entering the end of the run.  List of Accessories Blue Spectral Wheel Red Spectral Wheel Yellow Flame Wheel White Spectral Wheel Green Flame Wheel Green Haunted Flames Purple Haunted Flames Blue Sparkle Wheel Blue Spirits Red Spectral Flame Rainbow Wheel Green Kryptonite Shards Purple Spirits White Spirits Sparkle Wheel Sunstone Shards Red Ball Lightning Red Spinning Fireball Red Kryptonite Shards Ball Lightning Spectral Skulls Purple Flaming Skulls Black Hole

Atlantean Lair Theme

This is a preview of the Atlantean base I'm working on. While it won't be done for quite some time, I wanted to shoot the theme itself to go over its unique features as well as limitations compared to previous layouts.

DCUO 2018 Top Ten (Part 4)

#1 Augments While this is hardly the flashiest of updates in the year, to me it is by far the most important. This was a potential make or break decision for me. It's not as big a change as a Stats Revamp, but still a major factor for the dedicated crafter. I also have several characters that have custom builds that were largely sensitive to the granular number of slots we had with exobyte crafting where each one had 2 stats + an affinity bonus for 3 total. Moving to a system where these stats had to be distributed to 6 slots didn't sound good! As with the stats revamp from the previous year, it would have been a complete failure if our characters came out of the transition lower than when they went in with their gear fully modded. For most players, this whole update was probably a non-issue and instant success. The vast majority did not mod to being with. So the augment system would move them up to mod-equivalent stats right at launch. A distant 2nd place demographic wo

DCUO 2018 Top Ten (Part 3)

#4 Resurgence I & II I put the 2 resurgence events together because to me it's more that this is a the general feature of packaging capsules at a discount. This was a game changer for the patient player that stocks up and doesn't spend right away. Basically these packages are the price of 7 capsules, but you get 9 total + a bonus style (power aura for I and power material for II). The bonus item itself can be somewhat valued at $5-10 based on other marketplace products. These events changed my habits because I stopped opening regular capsules. Now my method of attack is to just stock up on stabilizer keys for months and only use them at resurgence. I may get all of the items later, but it saves a lot of stabilizer event runs with the 2 full capsules free. #3 Mainstream Materials The 2 waves of releases that really allowed the masses to start using materials as an everyday thing were the Champion Material Pack (bronze, silver, gold) and Resurgence II (poer material

DCUO 2018 Top Ten (Part 2)

#7 Titans With lists like this, I prefer to highlight items that impact the game overall rather than specific content, but this year's releases have stepped it up. Titans deserves to be this high up because it's an episode that features all new maps and a cast of redesigned characters. #6 Atlantis Titans set the bar high for new episodes, but because Atlantis is underwater and far more exotic, this episode easily eclipsed the one before it. Atlantis, which was timed well with the Aquaman movie hype, features some  of the best art in the game with unique battles against non-humanoid enemies. We haven't had that since Amazon Fury . Note: Amazon Fury was by far my favorite storyline. The only reason why I would rate Atlantis above it is because we didn't get open world Themyscira. 5. Death of Superman Death of Superman doesn't have any new maps and isn't really that large. So why is it this high up on the list!? It's mainly because this is an

DCUO 2018 Top Ten (Part 1)

#10 Movement Styles This is a pretty small one. In fact you may have have forgotten this even existed. But I think this was a fun addition to character design. The default effects have always bothered me on some costumes/characters. The secondary characteristic of new sound FX has just as strong an impact as the visuals themselves. #9 Inventory Max Nothing flashy here, but this was very much needed because a lot of new features made an assault on our inventory space. We really needed this with Home Turf when base items were added to loot tables. At the old max, we were still constantly clearing since the release of artifacts & nth metal. This was an impactful change that helps users at all levels of membership. #8 Artifacts - 3 Slots New artifacts kept getting released, so it was a matter of time for them to open up a 3rd slot. When artifacts first launched, they were treated as a bonus/optional item. Shortly after, content was adjusted assuming you had 2 equipped at all

Acronym Warning for YouTube Creators

This public service announcement is geared towards content creators, particularly in gaming because we use a lot of acronyms from inside our games. Recently, many large Pokemon Go channels/accounts were removed because of an over aggressive and automated YouTube sweep.

St. Patricks 2019 on Test Server

The lineup of frontloaded seasonal events will continue soon with March's St. Patrick's. Here's the usual look at feats, styles & base items on the test server a few weeks ahead so you can lay out your attack plan.

Test Server Update - February 7, 2019

This could possibly be Game Update 92 and includes some pretty good, but not exciting quality of life tweaks: Cross-faction / Suicide Squad Additions New Genesis Now Brainiac's Bottle Ship Warp Menu Additions Metropolis Gotham City UI The Option Dialogues will now scale the window size so text is more legible. The visual appearance of the Options Dialogue have been changed. Performance Various improvements to server performance. NPC Updated John Constantine Gadgets Tweaks / Fixes Reduced Battle Drone super charge ability CD to 30 seconds (down from 60 seconds). Fixed bug where Implosion Mine ignored Dominance check for resistances. Fixed bug where Empowered Channeling Tactical Mod would not trigger with Fear Gas (Gadgets)

Power Based Coverings

A full power based body covering that we see in superheroes like Fire, Iceman & Silver Surfer might seem simple and easy to recreate, but there are a few things to consider when choosing parts & effects. Texture If you're going for something completely smooth like Fire, you can't use a material simply because those need to be applied to gear and there is no seamless bodysuit. You'll be limited to one of the skins (and remove all of the gear styles), which you can change the color of. For an effect that's textured like ice (above) or lava, you don't have to worry as much because the bump map in the material overpowers the slimline seams. My ice character is wearing slimline chest & legs & wizardly hands. Face If you go with material route, the face is actually not that straightforward because you need something to cover the whole head while letting the face shape out, otherwise you won't get the material, but the skin underneath. For my c

Sylvia Knight: Green Lantern Uniform

Head: Gotham Knight The Gotham Knight (Nightwing) head piece actually looks like a face part because it's basically a more armored version of a plain mask. This is typically my go-to mask if the costume doesn't cover the character's head. Face: Full Domino With Gotham Knight taking up the head slot, I placed the basic mask underneath just to provide glowing eyes. Back: Nth Metal Battlesuit Nth Metal Battlesuit's (Hawkman) wings are probably my favorite in the game. I don't have a lot of flying characters that it would suit, but it works well as a hard light construct with the glowing material. When we got the hard light materials, I wanted parts of Sylvia's lantern uniform to be armored, but still display the iconic base suit underneath. Chest: Scion of Ion This is the main part of the standard Green Lantern style, with built-in emblem. I started the uniform with this piece naturally and then applied my "slim down" process by finding ot