
Showing posts from 2023

DCUO: Name Reclaim 2023

 Securing Your Names Reclaim Preparation Look names up on to get an idea of which might be inactive (ex... a character that's 360ish or higher has likely logged on within the timeframe) DO NOT mention or post any of the name you're trying to get. There are bad actors on social media that will use the info. against you! Have 2nd/3rd choices ready ( note: a seemingly inactive character might have an active main on the account ) Have tokens ready on the characters you plan to rename. Log on immediately after daily reset on the day of (tba). There will be a mad rush! Stay tuned to the DCUO Forums for updates as the event date may still change. Good luck! NOTE: The Name Reclaim event has been moved to Thursday, June 1. The tips in this article are still correct. Just apply them with the new date. For details, visit: 

DCUO: League Hall Proficiencies Rated

 I made this video a while back, but wanted to supplement it with the actual bullet point listing of tiers. Top Tier Damage Out - every character has a damage role; buff the final output of damage after the hit Health - used by all roles Support Stats - general buff to support roles Upper Mid Tier Critical Attack - because you can't craft for crits Critical Healing/Power Healing - same as above Mid Tier Healing Out - good choice if many members are healer power Power & SC - good if many of your members are controller power Might & Precision - secondary to damage out because it's a buff to stats before the hit Power Received - you're depending on someone else Healing Received - you're depending on someone else Bottom Tier Out of Combat Regen - in most scenarios, this does not come into play (only a handful of open worlds) CC Resistance - semi-placebo Berserker Damage - you're doing everything in your power to prevent low health, so this scenario

DCUO: Dakota City Briefing/Investigation Map

  This set of briefs might be a bit more difficult as the Dakota City map is larger than many of the recent open worlds. It is also much more vertical. I will do a video in the future if I can find a visual/memory route. Similar to recent patterns, there are 10 total.

DCUO: One Crazy Pre-shutdown Morning!

Usually mornings before daily reset are uneventful, but there was too much packed within 1 hour to even post on the socials. So here's a full blog post outlining all of it! Note: Please checkout the following hashtags for warnings on similar users over the past few years... #DCUOExploiters #DCUOToxicPlayers You can also report these people via and respectively. 1) First, a speedhacker in Death Metal DC impersonating Obsidian... "MrsObsidianChill." I usually go here for bounties Thursday morning to see if there are early birds doing them. The phase had actually just finished the three and were heading out. So, as a tank I just start the Dark Knight bounty (Dawnbreaker) for the next incoming group. No one is there yet. Other players start to come in one by one until there are like 5 doing it... going pretty smooth. Then all of a sudden Dawnbreaker goes down and I'm out of combat. I knew for sure it was a speedha