
Showing posts from 2024

DCUO: Overrun Area 51 Cutscene

  Overrun Area 51 from Episode 46: Brainiac Returns is one of the most efficient modern duos. The elite version is also a nice gift for farming renown quickly. But... for altaholics, things can always get faster! You can save a little over 30 seconds each run if you take out the adds before the second boss in order, roughly from right to left (relative to how you're facing when you arrive). Group A The 3 mobs closest to you on the ground have to go first. Be careful that you don't get knocked into aggro'ing the ones to the far left (Group C) and also don't fly too high and aggro the ones on the level above. The earth and tornado powered ones can knock you up and far quite a bit! Group B For the two mobs on the 2nd level, you'll want to take out the one guarding the door (that opens for the boss room) first. Then move along the catwalk and get the other one. While doing this, you can lob a shot down to Group C so that they take the stairs up to you. Group C The mob

DCUO: Overrun Area 51 Rescripted


DCUO: Tantu Totem

The Tantu Totem is a DPS artifact inspired by Vixen's necklace of the same name. I tried to give it a go on the live server, first at the entry level of 80 (when the base abilities unlock). Then I moved it up to 120 because nothing was triggering. With it being one of the "stacking" type artifacts, it really wasn't going to be testable until 200. Here's a screenshot of the artifact at Level 0, so you can see why it almost never triggers a the entry "on" level... So the safe thing to do was max it on the test server first!  Overview & Sparring Target Test Instance Run Is it worth leveling on the live server? Is it worth using a Wolfpack Token for the account?

DCUO: The Wing Armor Problem

3 Body Problem Parody History At launch, there were 3 objective types for the Wing Armor daily mission: Standalone Wing Armor = 1pt Standalone Vine = 1pt Combo with a Wing Armor and Vine with Cog = 3pts After 3 days, the devs found performance issues affecting the open world rooted to the combo unit above, so they removed it. In doing so, this inadvertently broke the Wing Armor spawns altogether, leaving just the vines at a long enough interval that the daily was not worth the time spent for the 1 mark. Meme Bonus Week Shortly after that, they increased the spawn rate of the vines to 40s (this will be important for the tips I go over). They also tried various fixes to return the Wing Armors, including increasing the spawn rate (twice), creating more nodes, making them 2pts and grounding them... none of those fixes have worked. July 1 Patch: Since nothing else has worked, the devs updated the mission to 8pts total instead of the launch 20pts. This does make the mission more than 2x fast

DCUO Episode List with Dates

I couldn't find a handy list of DC Universe Online episodes along with the release dates all in one place, so I did some batch processing from the official list to get the episode number and title in their own columns. The dates were manually entered based on the T-shirt below, which was missing the years, probably for design/space reasons. Episode List Episode 1: Fight for The Light (9/6/2011) Episode 2: Lightning Strikes (12/6/2011) Episode 3: The Battle for Earth (3/13/2012) Episode 4: The Last Laugh (6/19/2012) Episode 5: Hand of Fate (8/14/2012) Episode 6: Home Turf (1/29/2013) Episode 7: Origin Crisis (5/8/2013) Episode 8: Sons of Trigon (9/3/2013) Episode 9: War of The Light Part I (1/22/2014) Episode 10: Amazon Fury Part I (5/6/2014) Episode 11: Halls of Power Part I (8/6/2014) Episode 12: War of The Light Part II (11/18/2014) Episode 13: Amazon Fury Part II (2/12/2015) Episode 14: Halls of Power Part II (5/19/2015) Episode 15: Bombshells Paradox & Corrupted Zamaron (8/

DCUO: Doctor Fate's Daily Rewards History

Doctor Fate's Daily Rewards is a login bonus system introduced back in 2021 to consolidate things like the vault and lockboxes into one place. It has since gone through 2 major changes and probably many small adjustments over the years. This article outlines the timeline of the daily rewards feature. I. Launch with House of Legends This feature initially got introduced along with the House of Legends episode, which left a lot of permanent overall game changes to simplify many episodes and years of content clutter! II. Stabilizer Moves In October/November 2023, there was a directive to remove all stabilizer fragments from just about everywhere in the game and make the daily solo (previously a duo) the central source. This of course affected Doctor Fate's Daily Rewards, which had to be adjusted.  III. Raid Box Removal In a surprise update for June 2024, the 3 raid caches from the 2023 update were removed and replaced. We have yet to be informed of the reasoning behind it, but th

DCUO: Hall of Doom Alert Laser Feats

Some notes on the laser touching feats in Brainiac Returns: Hall of Doom alert (normal): Naturally you'll want the tank to do these... at least the red and purple because they do damage. The blue could be OK for another role because it just drains power. "Cruisin for a Bruisin" (RED Lasers) This can be done in any of the 3 boss fights. It's actually 20 touches.. not 20 hits because each touch can be many hits. In other words, you can't stand there and get multiple counts... have to touch and move. "Maximum Impact" (PURPLE Lasers) This can be done in the 2nd or last boss fight. Because this laser repels you, I would recommend you do this in the last fight where the room is larger. You actually have to get bounced. If it resists and you don't get bounced, it doesn't count. This takes more than 20 touches. "Power Shmower" (BLUE Lasers) This must be done in the last boss fight as there are no blues in the others. Like

DCUO: Deadly Katana Time Capsule Collections

 This is a listing of the 3 collections from the  Secrets of Kahndaq Time Capsules .  Forging of a Blade (Soul Sliced [hair] Olympic Martial Arts Metal Ticket to Markovia Burnt Kimono KenJutsu Guide O-yoroi Pauldron Halo Aura Energy Outsiders Status Debrief Bird's of Prey Message Suicide Squad MIssion Logs Yakuzu Hit List Yamashiro Family Photo White Mask Fragment A Deal in Signed Ink (Demon Ink [skin]) Design Book Autoclav Practice Skin Needle Cartridges Numbing Cream Rubbing Alcohol Tattoo Needles Plastic Wrap Skin Lotion Etrigan Sketches Medical-Grade Ink Tattoo Machine Souls of the Slain (Captured Souls [material]) Sword Polish Dismembering Training Dummy Katana Sheathe Oyabun's Ritual Bent Shuriken Stoneaxe's Dented Shield BLowdart's Poison Nunchaku's Broken Helmet Soul Speaking Recordings Makeo's Shattered Blade Soul Enchantment Scroll Muramasa Smithing Hammer 

DCUO: Quicker Test Server Installation

General 1) Create this path if you don't already have it. If your regular DCUO is pre-Daybreak, you won't have this... C:\Users\Public\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\DC Universe Online Test 2) Copy the /UNREAL3 folder from your regular DCUO installation. If it's pre-Daybreak, then it'll be in... C:\Users\Public\Sony Online Entertainment\Installed Games\DC Universe Online If it's post-Daybreak, then... C:\Users\Public\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\DC Universe Online 3) Download & run the test client. The updated URL is... It'll still have a download, but much smaller than the full 30+GB. I've tried this on Windows 7 & 10. The path of DCUO might vary on other versions. Windows 7 Repair Install From time to time, the launcher may give a KERNEL32 error after an update for Windows 7 users. If you get this, do the following: 1) Download & run the test client. The updated URL