My Groudon Starters

It's quite a change for this year's Groudon run compared to last year where raids were relatively new and we didn't have super strong counters yet! Gyardos was the only returning species, but I only had 1 last year. With the help of events as well as the Magikarp family giving me good IV rolls, I currently have 3 waterfall-hydropump Gyardos at 91%, 92% & 96% (I also have a 98%, but bite-crunch). 

Kyogre on the other hand, is a species that has not been good to me. The 93% above is the only one I had worth powering. While the attack is just 13, he will still outclass many non-legendaries even when not powered up!

The 2 Mewtwos are from the non-EX run late last year. I pretty much set most of the ones I kept for icebeam as ice types are more scarce at the moment. 

It should be interesting to see if they adjust raid bosses in the far future as we can see a significant difference in counters people will have. Even beyond these 6 pictured, my bench of community day Feraligatrs, Venusaurs & lower Kyogre are better than what I used last year!


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