Atlantis Risen: Shape & Structures

Good players & groups will always pay attention to the layout of the battlefield. This is particularly important when everyone is in new content for the first time. Observe as much as you can and then share information with each other after failed attempts and even after wins. The tank will have the unique perspective of the boss's point of view, looking out to the other teammates, while the other roles will be able to see from the outside.

The example pictured on this post Atlantis Risen where the map is a full circle. During the battle, the sea monster will rise from one side and attack on more or less a diameter line of the circle. The observant players will notice some solid structures along the edge of the circle such as the ruined archway/bridge pictured here. Because it is solid, it means that the monster can't dive into to, making it a safe spot to stand. There are so many things going on in this fight, which involves Corum Rath, waves of adds and pretty much every other miniboss in the episode! You might as well stand in a good spot to cross 1 hazard off the list. In this case, a hazard that can wipe the group!


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