Anniversary to Valentine's

The final weekend of the Anniversary event is approaching, but there's no rest up ahead as Valentine's Day typically launches immediately after. There was also no break when Christmas switched over to the Anti-monitor event. I'm personally burned out of events. So I may try to approach the last of the triple-header differently. I'm considering running the outside components only. There is no bonus for running both that I remember (I believe Christmas is the only one that does that).

Check out my test server video for a look at all of the reward items:

Given the rewards, I don't think I need to go hard at the marks this year. I don't have an amusement park nor do I have plans to build one. That's the theme of this year's furniture drops. As far as previous years, I already have my theaters & restaurants. Fortunately the styles are pretty cheap at 25 marks a piece.

I mention this a lot, but I think the events in DC Universe are too long, as in periods they run. The various modes of this game might be unrelated from a developer's perspective, but they do compete for one universal currency... time. A perfect adjustment would be to cut the time in half and just double the rewards (or half the vendor items). That way the same can be accomplished in less time and we can get on with the actual game. There is absolutely no reason any of these holidays need to be stretched out to a month!


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