Alyssa Goldenblade: Champion of Atlantis Style

Head: Ancient Amazon Noble
All of Alyssa's costumes have some version of Wonder Woman's tiara as the head piece. For the outfits that have a glow effect, I like "Amazon Noble" because of the large, bright star.

Back: Conqueror
I'm trying to stick with the newer capes because they show more folds in the model when a material is applied, whereas the older ones become flat. Since this is an Atlantean suit, I went with Conqueror because it's lighter looking than the others and fits with the Primeval base. The quantum temporal material is applied to go with the blue fire motif.

Chest & Legs: Enhanced Primeval
This set is for Alyssa's tank setup for the Atlantis episode, so it's a variant of her normal gold fire tank armor. Queen Atlanna's Primeval style was perfect for the base, retaining the basic shape and heavy armor over chain or scale. The enhanced version has the glowing runes that match up with other accents in the tiara and gauntlets.

Shoulders: Miraculous
Most older styles won't work with new ones unless set to a very dark color. The Mister Miracle style shoulders were picked to match the Barda style boots, which in turn were picked as a slim feet style that could blend into the Primeval leggings. The solid & glowing parts of both are a perfect match as they were released in the same episode.

Hands: Strength of Hera
A much older style, but a seemingly perfect match to the Primeval base as it can be set to the same dark blue with gold runes.

Waist: Atlantean Monarch
Normally all of my heroes wear Dark Specter (Batman), but I switched some of my main characters to Aquaman belts for Atlantis. Atlantean Monarch was the one with the largest buckle, which is actually needed for the full waist to show up over the Primeval base. It also looks great with a material applied.

Feet:  Furious
Same reason as the hands above.

Accessory: Blue Filament
The aura fits Alyssa's blue fire theme & also has gold embers to match the armor set's palette.

Movement: Blue Smoke
Matching style for blue fire.


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