Updated Aquasuit

I wasn't sure which character to secure (for the account) the 3 Aquaman styles that were added to the Atlantis vendor over the weekend, but grabbed them on Shadowdragon because he was the only one that had an inspired style. The thing is, I ended up not using them after trying them out because they were too plain for the rest of the outfit. The new styles, which include gloves, belt & boots look exactly like the items Aquaman is wearing in these screenshots. I get that they're "iconic," but at 100 Rath Crowns a piece, it's a bit pricey and not up to the same level of quality as any other vendor addition in the past (going back to Deluge where mid-release items were added). Vendor additions were always dialed up on eye candy, being special FX auras, materials or new trinkets. The Aquaman parts are really just normal slimlines that are of the same quality as the basic Watchtower/Hall of doom vendor!

I did still update Shadowdragon's Atlantis suit though. The chest as pictured changed from Viking to Master Mercenary. The legs went from Viking to Atlantean Monarch and shoulders from Punchline to Son of Manta. I did like the Viking base, but the sleeves were not long enough to touch the gloves, so Master Mercenary retained the scalemail texture while filling the gaps. Instead of the 3 new Aquaman parts, I still kept Atlantean Monarch in place because of their armored and detailed look.

I shouldn't be totally negative about the new styles though. Another way to look at it is that it's really a 10pt feat for grinding 300 dlc marks. That's not so different than other counter type feats. It just has a visual to go along with it.


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