
Showing posts from January, 2019

YouTube Channel Update #5

Just a quick channel update going over Youtube permission levels and analytics experiments with various combinations over the past few months.

Alyssa Goldenblade: Champion of Atlantis Style

Head: Ancient Amazon Noble All of Alyssa's costumes have some version of Wonder Woman's tiara as the head piece. For the outfits that have a glow effect, I like "Amazon Noble" because of the large, bright star. Back: Conqueror I'm trying to stick with the newer capes because they show more folds in the model when a material is applied, whereas the older ones become flat. Since this is an Atlantean suit, I went with Conqueror because it's lighter looking than the others and fits with the Primeval base. The quantum temporal material is applied to go with the blue fire motif. Chest & Legs: Enhanced Primeval This set is for Alyssa's tank setup for the Atlantis episode, so it's a variant of her normal gold fire tank armor. Queen Atlanna's Primeval style was perfect for the base, retaining the basic shape and heavy armor over chain or scale. The enhanced version has the glowing runes that match up with other accents in the tiara and gauntle

Atlantis Risen: Shape & Structures

Good players & groups will always pay attention to the layout of the battlefield. This is particularly important when everyone is in new content for the first time. Observe as much as you can and then share information with each other after failed attempts and even after wins. The tank will have the unique perspective of the boss's point of view, looking out to the other teammates, while the other roles will be able to see from the outside. The example pictured on this post Atlantis Risen where the map is a full circle. During the battle, the sea monster will rise from one side and attack on more or less a diameter line of the circle. The observant players will notice some solid structures along the edge of the circle such as the ruined archway/bridge pictured here. Because it is solid, it means that the monster can't dive into to, making it a safe spot to stand. There are so many things going on in this fight, which involves Corum Rath, waves of adds and pretty much

Anniversary to Valentine's

The final weekend of the Anniversary event is approaching, but there's no rest up ahead as Valentine's Day typically launches immediately after. There was also no break when Christmas switched over to the Anti-monitor event. I'm personally burned out of events. So I may try to approach the last of the triple-header differently. I'm considering running the outside components only. There is no bonus for running both that I remember (I believe Christmas is the only one that does that). Check out my test server video for a look at all of the reward items: Given the rewards, I don't think I need to go hard at the marks this year. I don't have an amusement park nor do I have plans to build one. That's the theme of this year's furniture drops. As far as previous years, I already have my theaters & restaurants. Fortunately the styles are pretty cheap at 25 marks a piece. I mention this a lot, but I think the events in DC Universe are too long, a

Updated Aquasuit

I wasn't sure which character to secure (for the account) the 3 Aquaman styles that were added to the Atlantis vendor over the weekend, but grabbed them on Shadowdragon because he was the only one that had an inspired style. The thing is, I ended up not using them after trying them out because they were too plain for the rest of the outfit. The new styles, which include gloves, belt & boots look exactly like the items Aquaman is wearing in these screenshots. I get that they're "iconic," but at 100 Rath Crowns a piece, it's a bit pricey and not up to the same level of quality as any other vendor addition in the past (going back to Deluge where mid-release items were added). Vendor additions were always dialed up on eye candy, being special FX auras, materials or new trinkets. The Aquaman parts are really just normal slimlines that are of the same quality as the basic Watchtower/Hall of doom vendor! I did still update Shadowdragon's Atlantis suit t

My Kyogre Starters

Kyogre is probably still the most time consuming legendary to defeat, but like Groudon, we all have much better counters this year. In the several releases we had over the months, I still haven't caught one above 93% and no luck with the shiny. I may be Team Valor, but if you look at my lineup at the high CP end, you'd think I was Instinct! The electric legendaries have been very good to me. Broadway (caught at the Winter Garden) is my perfect & maxxed out Raikou from the original raid month. M&M (7th Ave M&M Store) is a 93% from the same batch. Research is a 96% Raikou from research breakthrough. The perfect Zapdos (still a few steps to max) was from Zapdos Day. If I had more Zapdos candy, I would power up several 90%+ that were also caught on that same day! Besides all of the high-IV Zapdos, I also managed to get 2 shinies & the worst possible at 67%. The 2 Venusaurs are both Community Day evolutions. They're here because I don't have tons of Z

My Groudon Starters

It's quite a change for this year's Groudon run compared to last year where raids were relatively new and we didn't have super strong counters yet! Gyardos was the only returning species, but I only had 1 last year. With the help of events as well as the Magikarp family giving me good IV rolls, I currently have 3 waterfall-hydropump Gyardos at 91%, 92% & 96% (I also have a 98%, but bite-crunch).  Kyogre on the other hand, is a species that has not been good to me. The 93% above is the only one I had worth powering. While the attack is just 13, he will still outclass many non-legendaries even when not powered up! The 2 Mewtwos are from the non-EX run late last year. I pretty much set most of the ones I kept for icebeam as ice types are more scarce at the moment.  It should be interesting to see if they adjust raid bosses in the far future as we can see a significant difference in counters people will have. Even beyond these 6 pictured, my bench of community

Lockbox Vault Tickets

If you're a new member to DC Universe Online, many of the choices in Promethium Lockboxes can be useful. The style drops can help with feat completion as well as save marks from vendor sets. But if you've been around for years, a lot of the choices start to lose value. However, since the transition to Augments, salvaging gear for the new exobytes has become important, thus giving value to the vault ticket drop. You do have to be careful about how you use them though. Here are some tips: Scaling Gear The box that's 2nd closest to the exit carries the scaling gear along with Mark of Victory. The gear scales to your character's CR. With the vault tickets being account bound, you will want to move it over to your highest character in order for the gear to max out. When you salvage it you wil get the highest MK exobyte, which you can then pass back to any other character. Passing a high MK exobyte down to a lower tiered character can jump an augment several levels


Hello everyone. If you're reading this, chances are you came from one of my other social media channels over at YouTube, Instagram and/or Twitter. I decided to start up a blog because there are posts I may share that are too much information for Twitter & Instagram, but too small to justify a video. From here, it's also easier to share out-of-platform links that most social media platforms discourage. As with my other channels, this will focus on DC Comics, DC Universe Online, Pokemon Go and any Kingdoms of Amalur news that surfaces. Thanks and enjoy!